Our website address is: https://forumforcounsellors.co.uk
Data Information & Processing As a member of Forum for Counsellors & Psychotherapists (Forum) you are asked to complete a membership form when you join Forum, and again at the time of renewal on 1st May each year. As such Forum holds data (information) about you. We also hold information about you if you email any member of the Forum Committee or the Forum membership email address
This information is used by the Forum Committee solely in planning and managing Forum business, which is classed as “Legitimate Interest”. No information is shared with any outside agencies.
Anyone who has not renewed their membership within 1 month of the renewal date will have their details deleted from the mailing lists, and any paper records destroyed. However we may still hold information about you if you have emailed any member of the Forum Committee or the Forum membership email address.
If you wish to have your details removed from the mailing list at any other time, a request can be made to the membership secretary: forum4counsellorsmembership@gmail.com.
ICO Registration Forum for Counsellors & Psychotherapists is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). As such the Forum Committee hold responsibility for Data Protection and GDPR. The initial point of contact for any queries is the Membership Secretary who can be contacted on forum4counsellorsmembership@gmail.com
Consent At the time of joining Forum or at membership renewal you will be asked to give your consent to Forum holding and processing your data.
Your rights Under GDPR you have the right to know what personal data we hold on you, how it is held and what we intend to do with it. You also have the right to have any personal data removed at any time, even if you previously gave consent.
For GDPR queries and requests, or information about our privacy policies, please contact Forum Membership Secretary: forum4counsellorsmembership@gmail.com
Forum for Counsellors & Psychotherapists
Privacy & Cookies Forum for Counsellors & Psychotherapists employ a Web Host to manage the website.
When someone visits our website we collect non-personal statistical information such as numbers of visitors, which pages are viewed and so forth. This statistical information is collected in a way which does not personally identify anyone. We do not associate any statistical data gathered from this site with any personal identifying information from any source. Information collected can help us improve the website for the benefit of our users.
Use of cookies: Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide statistical information. Our use of Cookies is strictly limited to ensuring the functionality of the website and to capture statistical information in an anonymous form. We do not identify or capture personal identifiable data.
Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit www.allaboutcookies.org.
On Forum’s website we use the following cookies: Cookies PHPSESSID – This cookie is a session cookie which the website deem strictly necessary to the working of the website. If these are disabled then various functionality on the site may break. We use this cookie to identify who has logged in.
Third party cookies from Stat Counter is_unique, is_visitor_unique, sc_is_visitor_unique – these cookies are used by Stat counter to record stats https://statcounter.com/about/cookies/
Third party cookies from Google NID, SNID, PREF, khcookie – These cookies are used by Google to store user preferences and information when viewing pages with Google maps on them.
Google Analytics User data is all anonymous. Google Analytics cookies include:
• __utma – This Cookie is used to identify unique visitors to our sites. The results are sent to our Google Analytics account so that we may see how many unique visitors come to this site based over a period of time.
• __utmb – This cookie is used by Google Analytics to determine the visitor session times on our sites. Each time you visit a new page on the site the cookie is set to expire within 30 minutes, if it does not find an existing cookie, a new one is created.
• __utmc – This cookie is used by Google Analytics in conjunction with __utmb to determine visitor sessions. Unlike __utmb this cookie does not have an expiry date, it determines whether a new session should be created based on whether you have previously closed your browser, re-opened it and come back to the site.
• __utmz – This cookie is used by Google Analytics to determine the type of referral used by each visitor to arrive at our site. The cookie determines if the user has come directly to the site or via a search engine, email or email campaign. We use this data to understand how our users arrive at the website.
You can find more about Google’s position on privacy in relation to the Google Analytics software at: www.google.com/intl/en_uk/analytics/privacyoverview.html.
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